
I am an early career researcher in the field of computing, at the University of Plymouth, conducting research focusing technology misuse.

Having obtained my undergraduate degree in Computing at the University of Plymouth and subsequently continued to specialize in Cyber-Security at postgraduate level; I am currently continuing as a research student towards a PhD in Computing.

My research interests focus on the impact of internet-of-things devices in situations of domestic abuse, particularly victim-survivor centric approaches to mitigating technology-facilitated abuse. Along side my research, I teach on the undergraduate and postgraduate Computer Science courses at Plymouth, with a focus on cyber security and project management.

Student Digital Champions

In addition to my research and teaching commitments, I am also currently engaged with the Student Digital Champion peer-support scheme at the University of Plymouth, helping to support coordinate the team of student partners with the goal of improving the level of digital literacy within our campus community.

As the scheme has evolved, we have presented our work at several nationally recognized conferences to share our experiences, highlighting the difference the scheme is making within our community. You can read more about the Student Digital Champion initiative on the University of Plymouth website.

Student Voice

Whilst engaged in my undergraduate journey, I volunteered in various capacities as a student representative through the University of Plymouth Students’ Union. I developed a passion for the student voice volunteering as a course representative, placement representative and finally a School representative across four years.

Concluding my undergraduate representation experience, I was named as School Representative of the Year by the University of Plymouth Students’ Union in 2021, whilst representing the School of Engineering, Computing & Mathematics.

I’m currently appointed as a Student Trustee of the University of Plymouth Students’ Union, drawing upon my passion for the student voice supporting the strategic direction of the Union.

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